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Revolutionize Your Travel Business with Our Tour Vendor Marketplace Make Your Travel Website a One-Stop Shop for Tour Packages!

Tour Vendor Dashboard

Tour Vendor Dashboard

  • Tour Information: A section to manage and update tour-related information such as tour name, destination, itinerary, dates, cost, and availability.
  • Booking Management: A section to manage bookings made by customers through the travel website, including the ability to view and update booking details, confirm or cancel bookings, and receive information of new bookings.
  • Financials: A section to view and manage financial transactions, including profits earned from tour bookings, commissions paid to the website owner, and payment status.
  • Reports & Analytics: A section to view and analyze performance metrics, including tour booking details, customer details, and profits generated.
  • Booking Confirmation: Allows tour vendors to confirm bookings and provide customers with the necessary information such as pickup and drop-off details, payment instructions, and any other important information.
  • Profile Management: Allows tour vendors to manage their profile information, including updating their business information, contact details, and setting their preferences for bookings and communications.
  • Customer Support: Provides tour vendors with access to customer support through multiple channels such as live chat, phone, or email.